Behind the scenes of how the Zero Chassis is Powder Coated....

The Zero chassis is powder coated as a standard option on all self build kits and factory builds and is a very important part of the Zero build. The powder coating process makes the chassis and components more resilient, gives a superior finish to paint, is long lasting and hard wearing and offers excellent corrosion protection. Here we share with you more details on the process and a few behind the scenes photographs of the process in action.


Once the Zero Chassis production is complete and all the required welds are flattened off, the chassis is now ready for the Powder Coat process to begin. Here you can see the process of what happens when a Zero chassis is powder coated.
The chassis is placed in the Shot Blasting Chamber where it is blasted, the chassis is then blasted, the blasting process removes any dirt from the chassis. Then the powder is applied using static charge. This is a two stage process first being primer, and the second black satin top coat. The Chassis is then placed in the oven and heated up to 200 Degrees. This allows the powder to fuse and bond with the chassis, this process is done over a period of time. Whilst the chassis is still hot from the primer, the final top coat is applied using the same electro static process. Once again the chassis is placed back in the oven for the final time to be fully baked and hardened. Then we have a finished Powder Coated Zero Chassis ready for the build to begin.

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Book your appointment to see the Zero…..

The GBS and Kit Spares Shop and Showroom are now open, we are still operating appointment only visits to see the Zeros, so please contact us today to book your appointment.